Take A Study Break, Why Don’t You?!

By Dymond Hunley 

What are you doing? In college studying for tests or maybe even finals. Let me Guess?! You’ve been cramming information for the last several hours. Let me guess again… You’re tired and ready to crash. Well let me be the one to tell you that you should not study for several hours constantly without taking a break. Time management is your best friend and procrastination is your worst enemy. When I started as a freshman that was one of my biggest flaws and sometimes still is.

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That’s a Nap!

By Robin Hasty

We all know that starting college is a big, stressful step into life. There are seemingly endless tests, groups (sororities, fraternities, clubs), sports and theater events and oh, the laundry piling up in the corner of your room needs washed! Needless to say, things get a bit hectic. Time flies by and sometimes you’re so caught up in the whirlwind that suddenly the test you have is next week and you don’t remember when you last slept. Suddenly, you start to cram because you need to pass this test and a little echo of your older relative pops into your head of “don’t forget to sleep!” You want to push it out of your head as irrelevant because for one thing, it has been too long for them to be in school. Secondly, they can’t be right, right?

(insert buzzer sounds) You are wrong on a few things! Let’s see if we can fix these, shall we? Firstly, cramming won’t work. (Believe me, I know from experience.) Secondly and possibly the most important thing to take out of this, is do not forget to sleep! That relative was correct in their statement! (You don’t have to tell them that, though.)  Sleep is crucial to remembering all of that information that you picked up in class and everywhere else you went.

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Do Yourself a Favor and Sleep–Your GPA Will Thank You

By David Cale

Welcome to college! From making new friends, binge watching Netflix, and late-night Taco Bell runs, college is possibly the best way to make memories that will last forever. Since classes are during the day, most people reserve their evenings for these memory making occasions.
While a few late nights every now and then may not have any significant impacts on your day-to-day lifestyle, making a habit of staying up late can be incredibly detrimental to your ability to think, react, work, learn, and get along with others (1).
Not only does a poor sleep schedule make you susceptible to chronic health problems, it will also hind your brain’s ability to perform in class. Let’s go over the importance of sleep and a few tips to help you maximize your college experience.

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Stop, Drop and Roll Your Way Into a 4.0 GPA

By Kyle Oakes

Have you ever left class and wondered why you can barely remember a thing? I want you to try to remember what you were doing in that class. If you are like most college students, you probably snuck in a text message during the class, or maybe you clicked on that Facebook notification that popped up. Maybe you just dozed off. All of these could be affecting your grade drastically. In order to help your grade, you want to set those notifications, and ringer, on silent for the duration of the course, and stop dividing your attention to the wrong thing.

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Low-Load vs. High-Load: How Distractions Really Affect Your Studying Habits

By Olivia Arnold and Ashley Gottardo

The transition to college can be a rough period for most students, ripe with a new school, new friends,  and a new sense of independence. Through all of these new experiences one realizes many areas of their life change in ways they didn’t expect- namely in their approach to studying. This is more of a forced change, and in order to succeed you will likely have to actively make it on your own. Lucky for you, we’re here to explain what areas may benefit the most from change, help you cope with your changing study habits, and give you tips for how to succeed in college.

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All-Nighters? No, Head to Bed!

By Amber Zander and Melissa Gannon

It’s not uncommon for college students to pull all-nighters the night before a big exam. They either forgot about the exam and have no choice but to stay up all night and study or are so nervous that they’d rather study than sleep. Students try to stay up into the late hours of the night, attempting to remember every detail on their study guides, flipping through their flashcards over and over again. Before they realize it, its 8 am, and they decide to call it quits and grab the closest source of caffeine just to have some energy to make it through the exam. Throughout the exam, they find themselves struggling to remember the information they spent all night studying. They’re fatigued and although they try their best to remember, the information just isn’t coming to them. Weeks later students receive their results from the exam, only to find that their grade didn’t match the amount of effort put into studying for it. Continue reading “All-Nighters? No, Head to Bed!”