Wait… the lifehack to learning is using what I already know?

By Rae Smith

Picture this: you’re standing at the starting line of the biggest 5k race of your life, but you were so nervous you forgot your running shoes. Now what do you do in this situation? You could always just put your Crocs into “sports mode,” but that probably wouldn’t end well. Instead, you may try to borrow a pair of shoes from a friend. What’s the first thing you would do before slipping them on? You will probably take a quick peek at the inside of the tongue to check the size label to see if they fit your feet. That’s your brain using a schema! “Schemas support memory and perception by providing an organizational framework within which we can encode and store relevant information and efficiently incorporate new information,” according to The National Library of Medicine. Just like making smart shoe decisions, schemas can help students of any age study and learn by providing a framework for organizing new information using what they already know. In this post, we’ll learn about schemas and how they can help you run the race toward academic success! 

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Memory Errors and You: Navigating College with a (Sometimes) Deceptive Mind

By Trevor Foster and Emily Wilson

So, you’re an incoming college freshman; if you are like most people your age, you will be entering into a completely new environment – both socially and academically. In such periods of drastic change, you might notice yourself beginning to not do as well in school as you’ve grown accustomed to, or you might find yourself forgetting things more often with this newfound freedom. Some of these changes might be due to errors in memory. A 1988 study by W. Scott Terry found that among the most commonly forgotten things are forgetting to deviate from your habits and forgetting to do some future task (1). However, memory errors cover much more than simply forgetting! This blog post will introduce some of the most common types of memory errors, and it will offer some possible tips on avoiding them.

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