Let’s Learn Some Vocab

By Olivia Falls

If you have ever taken any anatomy, psychology, or physics classes, you know the importance of learning and memorizing vocabulary words. Now I know that there are other classes that you can think of where vocabulary was also important, but in my opinion, these were the biggest ones. In these three classes every vocabulary word was important and came back up later in the class. All classes have vocabulary words that you should learn for a test, but with most you can get away with doing a quick review right before the test without actually knowing the words. But, for those classes in which each vocabulary word is needed and necessary to understand the future material, a new strategy is needed. What’s the new strategy? So glad you asked! Using a technique called paired-associate learning, you will be better able to learn and recall the meanings of your vocabulary words. The technique that I am going to talk about might be one that you already use, but simply did not know what it was called. But, regardless of if you have already been using this technique or are just now learning about it, this blog will be helpful in improving your ability to recall information.

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