Frustration? No More!

By Reece Putrich

When studying for an exam, do you try hard to remember everything? Then when you get the exam, you go mind blank and forget it all? Well, this is because you may have shallow processing. Shallow processing happens when you choose to only try and remember the physical features of an object or task. (1) This may happen when you are in a science class and must remember a diagram. While you may be having to memorize the diagram, you may possibly only try to remember the pictures and features you can see. On the other hand, if you were trying to pay close attention to the words or definitions this would then be called deep processing. (1) Deep processing allows our brain to hold more memories and allows our minds to remember information better. You are probably wondering where shallow processing and deep processing come from.

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How to Pass College While Saving your Sanity

By Alexis Charlton

To all college students, especially freshmen, are you tired of blanking on tests? Are you tired of studying for hours and not remembering your content? I have something to tell you, it’s not how long or how hard you study, it is how you study. How would it feel to show up to a test and feel more confident than ever? How would you feel about sleeping peacefully the night before a test? I can give you the answer on how to feel confident and calm before you show up to a test. Once again, it is not about how long you study, it is all about how you encode the information you study. 

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Do You Want to Pass your Next Test?

By Haley Haggard

Have you ever failed a test before even though you studied for hours on end? Let me guess how you studied, you copied down what was on the power-point word for word and thought “well that should be enough!”. Well, you were wrong. When you are frantically trying to keep up with the professor and copying down word for word from the PowerPoint you are not processing what is being said because you are processing on a shallow level. This is where the level of processing theory comes in, it is going to help you process information at a deeper level to help you remember what is going on in class. I am going to teach you about the level of processing theory and how you can use it to your advantage when studying for your next test.

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Does Depth Matter?

By Emily Lange

Have you ever been sitting in a lecture, copying notes from the slideshow and suddenly realize you have no clue what you wrote for the last three slides? You have been feverishly copying the slides as quickly as you can, but how have you not learned a single thing? This is because you have been processing the information in a shallow manner, meaning that you were not paying close attention to the meaning of what you were writing. How can you learn to process the information you learn in class at a deeper level? Using Levels of Process theory can help you to become a better student!