Perceptual Organizing Our School Work

By Zachary Briggs

As a business major at the college I am enrolled in, I initially anticipated my psychology course to not have any meaningful value to my life in the future. Do not… I repeat, do not approach this subject with that mindset. This semester I learned about many concepts within psychology that affect our lives daily such as sensory & short-term memory, long-term memory, attention, reasoning; the list can go on. One concept that was very intriguing to me and I would like to share my understanding and knowledge about is Perceptual Organization. Perceptual Organization is something we all use in our daily lives without even knowing as college students. We are using Perceptual Organization when studying for quizzes, finishing projects, taking tests, completing math problems, or even organizing our dorm rooms, we are constantly using Perceptual Organization.

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Get a New Perspective

By Cory Lauer

            Have you ever wondered what the best study methods are? This conundrum plagues many incoming and first year college students. But, something to be taken into consideration is how the information is presented on the page. Repetition is helpful in remembering material but presenting the material with other similar material and restructuring it into something easier to digest is paramount to better learn and remember the information. This is one of the goals of Gestalt psychology. Similar ideas and theories will be better associated when they are presented together, and each idea or theory will be better remembered if it is framed in a different manner. Because of this, utilizing Gestalt representation and restructuring will promote better study habits and increase the amount of information remembered. Continue reading “Get a New Perspective”