Reach for the Stars…and Your Homework

By Chloe Smith


There are days where it is hard to make yourself get out of bed, go to school, or complete an assignment, but these are tasks that need to be completed in order for success. Every student is responsible for their own success, and this includes having goals and doing things we may not want to do to reach those goals. Being a first-year college student can be intimidating in itself, and you may wake up one day and ask yourself, “Do I really want to go to class today?” You may enjoy lying in bed all day catching up on your favorite TV show, but you must control those thoughts and make the choice that will ultimately benefit you in the long run. By overriding these thoughts and still getting up to go to school to achieve your goals you are participating in the use of cognitive control and self-regulation.

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Do You Have Any Control ?

By Makenzie Molden

Control it’s hard to handle sometimes. Especially as a freshman since you have this new found freedom but as they also freedom come reasonability. The change from high school to college especially if your living on campus is hard enough but there I also the learning, studying and time management transition, Study, learning and time management is all so different once you start college, the same skills can sometime no linger be helpful so while your trying to make new friends, and learn your way around campus you also have to relearn how to learn and study while making sure you’re not falling behind and that where cognitive control will become your best friends especially your first year.

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