Memory Errors and You: Navigating College with a (Sometimes) Deceptive Mind

By Trevor Foster and Emily Wilson

So, you’re an incoming college freshman; if you are like most people your age, you will be entering into a completely new environment – both socially and academically. In such periods of drastic change, you might notice yourself beginning to not do as well in school as you’ve grown accustomed to, or you might find yourself forgetting things more often with this newfound freedom. Some of these changes might be due to errors in memory. A 1988 study by W. Scott Terry found that among the most commonly forgotten things are forgetting to deviate from your habits and forgetting to do some future task (1). However, memory errors cover much more than simply forgetting! This blog post will introduce some of the most common types of memory errors, and it will offer some possible tips on avoiding them.

Continue reading “Memory Errors and You: Navigating College with a (Sometimes) Deceptive Mind”

Slow and Steady Wins the Race—Distributed vs. Massed Practice

By Keely Smith and Melanie Hernandez

Picture this. It is late August. Tomorrow is the day that you leave your hometown to move into your college dorm. You cannot contain your excitement. You are going to your dream school. This is the moment you have waited for all summer. But, you realize that you are a little worried. Numerous questions run through your head. What if college is much harder than high school? What if you do not get the same good grades that you always used to? What if you do not maintain the GPA you need in order to keep your scholarship? What if you disappoint your parents? If this sounds like you, then you have found your way to the right blog—we are here to offer you Cognitive Psychology’s best advice for successful learning and studying in college.

Continue reading “Slow and Steady Wins the Race—Distributed vs. Massed Practice”

Post: Statement on Sharing to Twitter

Hi all–

I wanted to share that as students post their tips and strategies for effective learning and studying, they will be automatically shared to my Twitter account, @ProfASwan. This post is an attempt to test the Publicizing feature of the site.

Dr. Swan

This is a test post!

This is text of a test post and helpful tips/hints/suggestions.

Use a standard format, public visibility, category (for post type), tags (for more specific keywords). Let the site generate a slug (after you’ve typed a title), and do NOT use “current location.”

To use a tag, type your keyword, and THEN type a comma. Tags can be multiple words.

If you have another WordPress, make sure you are posting to the correct page! (Look at the site in the upper-left hand corner of the page).

Continue reading “This is a test post!”